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What it's like to be the Stirling Regency Diamond

Our first annual diamond of the season, Hannah, is happy to share here thrilling adventure at the recent Stirling Regency Extravaganza. Follow her journey in this guest post, here.

"I'm Hannah, a bookworm with a deep passion for all things related to the Regency and Medieval eras. If there's a show, event, or even a book set in those times, you can bet I'll be all over it. So, when an enticing advertisement popped up on my Instagram feed about a Bridgerton-inspired event in Scotland, I knew I had to dive deeper into this exciting opportunity. Without hesitation, I visited the event's website and, with a heart full of anticipation, decided to seize the moment and book the tickets.

My expectations were high, but little did I know that they were about to be exceeded in the most enchanting way possible.

From the moment I arrived at the event, I was transported into a world that felt nothing short of magical. The atmosphere was simply electrifying, with attendees decked out in a stunning array of period-appropriate dresses and fully embracing their assigned characters. What truly made this experience extraordinary was that every person present felt the same sense of wonder and excitement, creating an incredible collective energy that enveloped us all.

While I wasn't announced as "The Diamond" during the grand ball, in retrospect, I believe it was a blessing in disguise. This allowed everyone to relish the evening without any hint of disappointment, and we all had the opportunity to feel special in our own way. The night was bustling with activity, and in the midst of it all, I found myself grateful for not being the center of attention. This allowed me to savor the ball just like any other guest and enjoy the same remarkable experience.

The real surprise came the following day during the Tea Party when I was finally revealed as "The Diamond." To say I was shocked and trembling with excitement would be an understatement. I had never imagined that I would be the one to receive such an honor. It was a breathtaking moment, and I will cherish it forever.

Looking ahead to next year, I am eagerly anticipating my return to this enchanting event. I can't wait to reunite with the wonderful people I met and share another unforgettable experience. This event has undeniably changed my life in the most amazing way, and I am eternally grateful for it.

Now, I don't want to give away too many details about the evening itself because I want all you first-timers to experience the magic firsthand. But the ball was a mesmerizing spectacle, with a grand hall adorned with beautifully set tables and a unique blend of Regency and Medieval vibes. The attendees, dressed in their period costumes and fully immersed in their characters, made for a delightful and interactive experience. It was fascinating to connect with so many like-minded people, all seeking to relish this magical journey into the past.

The music, transporting us back to the Regency era, provided the perfect backdrop to our collective daydream. It was a subtle yet vital element that heightened the entire experience. Dancing with others, learning new dances, and twirling around in exquisite dresses felt like a dream come true for every girl in attendance.

This event is a remarkable experience that I'm grateful to have been a part of, and I can't wait to relive it next year. To those of you who are considering attending, I implore you: take the plunge and join us on this incredible journey. You won't regret it; I promise.

I hope my story has inspired many of you to embark on your own adventure into the past. Thank you for taking the time to read about my magical experience, and I look forward to seeing some of you at the event next year!"

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Oct 04, 2023

Congratulations on becoming this year’s Diamond. How exciting! Yes, your story has inspired me and I can’t wait till ‘take the plunge’ and attend next year’s extravaganza. I look forward to meeting you and our hostess along with everyone else xx

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